Friday, August 17, 2012

Adventurous Night

Last night I helped my friend Donnally get her classroom together for tonight's open house. We had a fun group. It was me, Jessica, Sarah, and Donnally's boyfriend JR. We made quite the team and got lots accomplished. So around midnight we heard a loud beep so JR and Donnally decided to go in the hallway and see what it was. And then the security alarm started blaring. And then to make things worse the lights turned off. So there we were freaking out ( well Jessica and I were freaking out). We locked the classroom from the inside and Jessica and I got on the floor and hid behind some cabinet doors. haha. We called the police and about 4 policemen showed up the school. JR went to let them and take them to where we all were. The police escorted us out and told us to wait outside or in the car (seriously they left us outside alone) They then searched the entire building. They assured us that everything was ok and there was no sign of forced entry or of anyone being in the building. The security guy reset the alarm and we went back in to finish decorating. I was laughing last night ( well technically this morning) as I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, because really, this would only ever happen to us. But hey, it keeps things interesting right. We ended up working till about 2:30ish. And let me just say, she has one good looking classroom :)

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