Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Story

This Sunday is going to be the third Christmas Program. Like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. We are doing something a little different this year. We are telling the life of Jesus in three parts. Announcement/Arrival/Atonement. This week is Atonement. This week is probably one of the most drama heaving Sunday's. We will get to see Jesus grow up, witness the miracles that He performed in the bible, His death and resurrection. My ABF class is very involved with this. Such a blessing to serve the Lord alongside some of my favorite people. If you are local you can come see our program Sunday at FBC Rogers 9:00 and 10:15. You can also stream it live at those same time at Here are couple of teasers.

This is a clip from part of the miracles. My friend Alex plays the dead girl's dad. He does such a good job.

This is part of the song that my friend Beau sings. Jesus grows from a baby to an adult during this song. 


I couldn't resist putting a picture up of my three favorite Roman Soldiers :)
I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store this week. We have already had many salivations and many people wanting to join our church. God is good!


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