Thursday, January 21, 2010

One thing I have been thinking about a lot this week is WHEN THE HECK AM I GONNA GET MARRIED! haha But seriously. I was talking with one of my good friends the other day about how much we have the desire to be married. It can be hard sometimes seeing all my friends getting married and even having children. I mean don't get me wrong I am so excited for them and love them dearly but sometimes I just wonder...when is it gonna be my turn?

As I pray about it and talk to the Lord about it I realize that God has it all planned out. So here is me not "worrying" about it anymore. One day (and it could be next year or 15 years from now) we will find each other and it will be wonderful because it will be all in God's perfect timing :). I have learned over the last year or so to be content. And I have to say I am! Of course part of me is like PLEASE Lord let it be before I'm 30 haha but I'm ok if its later then that. I'm just gonna continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord and pray for my future husband daily!


  1. I completely understand!! I'm 26 and not a day goes by where it doesn't cross my mind. I'm waiting, but sometimes I feel as though my time is running out. I don't want to be old and alone. But, He does have the perfect plan and the perfect man! May our lives be a beautiful testimony of waiting on God! We will be rewarded! Love you!

  2. Oh sassy, I love your honestly and your heart! I know patience is hard but it will be rewarding when the times comes!:)
    And okay..okay...You dont have to pull my leg. I WILL return the favor and sing at your wedding.:)

  3. Hang in there girl. Lance was 30 and I was 27 when we got married. After dating for 3 years!!! My brother was 33 and his wife 31 when they got married. But none of us would trade it for the world!!! It's so worth the wait for God's perfect provision!
